1. Lambda Calculus - Grammar & Terms
Table of Contents
Lambda calculus, just like any other programming language out there is a programming language. In fact it’s the simplest programming language there is. It’s even simpler than assembly.
Lambda calculus is simpler than any language with respect to types of instructions available. Lambda calculus has just two instructions :
- $\textbf{Abstraction}$ : An abstraction is very much like a
statement in C. You create places that you can replace something with. Consider the format stringadd = "(%d+%d)"
. This is a lambda abstraction to add two numbers. I’m just saying numbers, because type information does not come naturally in lambda calculus. There is another branch of lambda calculus named “Typed Lambda Calculus”. - $\textbf{Application}$ : Application is analogous to replacing the placeholders in the format with their corresponding stringified values.
So, considering abstraction
add = "(%d+%d)
, when(2, 3)
is applied to it, it’ll look likeprintf(add, 2, 3)
or, if we inline theadd
string, it’ll look likeprintf("(%d+%d)", 2, 3)
. The brackets are unnecessary though.
More on these later.
The Language
Like any other programming language, lambda calculus has a grammar, which can be loosely written like this :
\[ \begin{align} \text{Expression} & ::= x \mid (\lambda x. M) \mid (M \ N) \\ \text{Variable} & ::= x, y, z, \dots \\ \end{align} \]
More precisely, it can be defined inductively as follows :
DEFINITION$\ ^{[1]}$ : Lambda terms are words over the following alphabet :
\[ \begin{aligned} & v_0, v_1, … & variables, \\ & \lambda & abstractor, \\ & (\quad , \quad) & parenthesis \end{aligned} \]The set of lambda terms $\Lambda$ is defiend inductively as follows :
\[ \begin{align} x \ & \epsilon \ \Lambda; & \text{variable}\\ M \ & \epsilon \ \Lambda \rightarrow (\lambda x . M) \ \epsilon \ \Lambda; & \text{abstraction of M over x} \\ M \ , \ N & \ \epsilon \ \Lambda \rightarrow (M N) \ \epsilon \ \Lambda; & \text{application of M over N} \end{align} \]
- $xx$ is application of $x$ over $x$ (itself). This is like a constant term, $x$ already has a pre-defined value, and it cannot be changed.
- $\lambda x . x x$ is an abstraction over $x$ that applies $x$ to itself. Considering $xx$ as $M$, this can be re-written as $\lambda x . M$
- $\lambda x . x$ is called the identity abstraction or function.
An example of lambda abstraction : $\lambda x . \lambda y . y x$. We try to avoid using brackets in lambda abstractions by convention. It’s not invalid to re-write this abstraction as $\lambda x . (\lambda y . y x)$. When stuck in situations like these, try to visualize these abstractions as follows :
Notice how anything that came after a $.$ (dot) is a body of abstraction over it’s arguments.
The same abstraction can be re-written as $\lambda x y . y x$. The corresponding english translation will be :
Take two lambda terms $x$ and $y$ and apply $y$ over $x$.
In code this might look like this :
// functional programming in C 101
void l(void(*x)(), void(*y)(void(*)())) {
I guess this is why lambda calculus was created, to write programs faster 🤣.
Now, let’s take example of $\lambda x . x (\lambda y . y)$.
Now, let’s take example of $(\lambda x . x)(\lambda y . y)$.
Some Axioms Of Lambda Terms
The following axioms help establish equivalence relations in lambda calculus.
\[ \begin{align} (\lambda x . M) N & \stackrel{\beta}{=} M[x := N] & (\beta\text{-conversion}) \\ M & = M & (\text{reflexivity}) \\ M = N & \implies N = M & (\text{symmetricity}) \\ M = N, N = L & \implies M = L & (\text{transitivity}) \\ M = N & \implies MZ = NZ \\ M = N & \implies ZM = ZN \\ M = N & \implies \lambda x . M \stackrel{\eta}{=} \lambda x . N & (\text{rule}-\xi) \end{align} \]
Now notice how axioms $7$, $8$ and $9$ give another property to the language of lambda expressions. Lambda terms hold equivalence relation over $=$ (conversion).
An equivalence relation is any relation $R$ that holds the following three properties over it’s domain :
- $aRa$ or reflexivity, meaning related to self.
- $aRb \implies bRa$ or symmetricity. It’s like mirroring the relation about $R$.
- $aRb, bRc \implies aRc$ or transitivity. Think of it like a fluid flowing through two pipes having a common joint. Fluid flowing through one point will surely reach another point given the fluid flow is unidirectional.
From what I know, an equivalence relation is really useful to break up a very large domain to smaller chunks, if it has some special properties. These smaller sets of a bigger set are called equivalence classes. In an equivalence class, all objects are equivalent to each other, but not with other equivalence classes.
An easy to imagine example will be that of equilateral triangles and triangles similar to one with sides $(3, 4, 5)$ The set of equilateral triangles make an equivalence class of triangles, wherein each triangle is similar to the other, but at the same time, none of it will be similar to any triangle that is similar to $(3, 4, 5)$. I think this relation of convertibility can also be used to break the domain of all possible lambda expressions to smaller ones with similar properties.
The thing that I find interesting about lambda calculus is how logic appears out of combinations of terms. We can build all basic logic gates by some very basic abstractions.
- [1] - Chapter 2 - Lambda Calculus, it’s Syntax and Semantics - Henk P. Barendregt