2. Lambda Calculus - Equivalences & Reductions

#lambda calculus #equivalence-relation #reductions #language #automata-theory #theory-of-computing

Table of Contents

This section is important, because we’ll learn how are applications performed on given lambda expressions.

Information TL;DR, to apply a lambda term in a lambda expression, we use a series of reductions. These reductions come from corresponding equivalence relations. A reduction is just another way of replacing the lambda expression with a corresponding equivalent expression.


When considering equivalence of two expressions, they can be equivalent in four ways

  • $\alpha$-equivalence - Renaming of bound variables
  • $\beta$-equivalence - Function application and reduction
  • $\eta$-equivalence - Function extensionality
  • syntactic equivalence

These equivalences are basically the equivalence relations we talked about above. Using a series of these equivalence relations between two lambda expressions, we can apply reductions to source lambda expression, and then reach a final, target expression from a source expression.

When just $=$ is used to show equivalence, then it means the two lambda expressions on either side have at least one of the above equivalence established.

Alpha ($\stackrel{\alpha}{=}$) Equivalence

Two lambda expressions are $alpha$-equivalent if they differ only in the naming of their variables. If we are to rename the variables, then it’s we can them to look identical.


  • $\lambda x . x \stackrel{\alpha}{=} \lambda a . a$
  • $\lambda x . x \stackrel{\alpha}{\not =} \lambda a . b$

Beta ($\stackrel{\beta}{=}$) Equivalence

If we have $\lambda x . M$ and $N$ as two lambda expressions then the $\beta$-conversion $(\lambda x . M)N \stackrel{\beta}{=} M[x:=N]$ is said to establish a $\beta$-equivalence between the expressions $(\lambda x . M)N$ can be replaced by $M[x:=N]$ without changing the meaning of original expression.

This is mathematics equivalent of the simplification process.

Examples :

  • $(\lambda x . x + 1)3 \stackrel{\beta}{=} 3 + 1$ using eqn $6$ from last post
  • $Iy \stackrel{\beta}{=} y$ because $I = \lambda x . x$, and to make it more precise, since $y$ is not bound to $I$, we can rewrite $I$ to $I \stackrel{\beta}{=} \lambda y. y$ using $\alpha$ equivalence.

Eta ($\stackrel{\eta}{=}$) Equivalence

If two expressions always give same results when same input is provide to each, then they’re said to be $\eta$-equivalent.


  • $\lambda x . F x \stackrel{\eta}{=} F$
  • $\lambda x . yy \stackrel{\eta}{=} yy$

Syntactic ($\equiv$) Equivalence

Two lambda expressions are syntactically equivalent when they are identical. All the arrangement, ordering, naming, everything is exactly same. When this happens, you can obviously replace one with the other without a doubt.

Equivalences As Reductions

Denoting any of the equivalence relation ($\alpha$, $\beta$, $\eta$ or $\equiv$) with $\chi$, and a series of applications of it as $\overset{\chi}{\underset{*}{\longrightarrow}}$

\[ \begin{aligned} {\chi}\text{-Basis } \frac{L \overset{\chi}{\underset{*}{\longrightarrow}} M}{L \stackrel{\chi}{=} M} & \quad & {\chi}\text{-Reflexivity } \frac{}{L \stackrel{\chi}{=} L} \\ \\ {\chi}\text{-Symmetry} \frac{L \stackrel{\chi}{=} M}{M \stackrel{\chi}{=} L} & \quad & {\chi}\text{-Transitivity} \frac{L \stackrel{\chi}{=} M, \quad M \stackrel{\chi}{=} N}{L \stackrel{\chi}{=} N} \\ \end{aligned} \]

This means, using these rules, and properties of equivalences, we can rewrite expressions with the equivalent expression. Also for future reference, $\overset{\chi}{\underset{n}{\longrightarrow}}$ means $\chi$ reduction applied $n$ times consecutively.

Now that we have an understanding of what equivalence relations exist, we can apply these inductively to perform applications over provided lambda terms, and then simplify these applications to equivalent lambda terms.

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{example of } \beta \text{ and } \alpha \text{ reduction} \\ A & \stackrel{\beta}{=} \lambda f x . f f x & \text{define A} \\ & \stackrel{\alpha}{=} \lambda f y . f f y & \text{change variable(s)}\\ & \stackrel{\alpha}{=} \lambda h y . h h y \\ & \stackrel{\alpha}{=} \lambda a b . a a b \\ \\ \text{example of a series of } \beta \text{ reductions}\\ A (\lambda x.x+1) 2 & \stackrel{\beta}{=} A[f:=(\lambda x.x+1),x:=2] & \text{application and then } \beta \text{ reduction} \\ & \stackrel{\beta}{=} (\lambda f x . f f x)[f:=(\lambda x.x+1),x:=2] & \text{A is } \beta \text{-equivalent with replaced expr}\\ & \stackrel{\beta}{=} (\lambda x.x+1)(\lambda x.x+1)2 \\ \\ (\lambda x.x+1)(\lambda x.x+1)2 &\stackrel{\beta}{=} (\lambda x.x+1)(2+1) & \text{expanding second bracket}\\ & \stackrel{\beta}{=} ((2+1)+1) \\ \text{or} \\ (\lambda x.x+1)(\lambda x.x+1)2 &\stackrel{\beta}{=} ((\lambda x.x+1)2+1) & \text{expanding first bracket}\\ &\stackrel{\beta}{=} ((2+1)+1) \\ \\ \text{example of } \eta \text{ reduction} \\ R & \stackrel{\beta}{=} \lambda t . 1 \stackrel{\eta}{=} 1 & \text{constant expression} \\ \end{aligned} \]