4. Lambda Calculus - Fixed Point Theorem

#lambda calculus #fixed-point-theorem #fixed-point #fixed-point-combinator #language #automata-theory #theory-of-computing

Table of Contents

Fixed Point Theorem

$ \forall F \quad \exists X \mid FX = X $

For all lambda expression $F$, there exists another lambda expression $X$, such that $FX = X$, meaning when $F$ is applied over $X$ we get $X$ (itself).

  • Let’s take $F = \lambda x . x$ (the identity abstraction), Then any lambda expression can take place of $X$.
  • Now consider $F = \lambda x . y$, then we have $X \equiv y$, because $(\lambda x . y)y = y$.
  • If $F = \lambda x . xy$, then? Then can use $X \stackrel{\beta}{=} \lambda y . X$, because $FX \equiv (\lambda x . xy)(\lambda y . X) \stackrel{\beta}{\rightarrow} (\lambda y . X) y \stackrel{\beta}{\rightarrow} X$.
  • What if $F = \lambda x . xx$ then? We have $X \stackrel{\beta}{=} \lambda x . x$ or $X \stackrel{\eta}{=} I$ (the identity abstraction). Then $FX = FI = II = I$.
Information These fixed points are not unique. Consider the lambda expression $F \stackrel{\beta}{=} \lambda x . x$. Take any $X$ and, it’ll be a fixed point of this.
Disclaimer Proofs for the fixed point theorem already exist. I do not understand the proofs right now, becuase I feel I need more familiarity with lambda calculus. I’ll come back to this once I feel confident to prove this myself. I know for now that the key to proving this is recursion. I’m figuring out how can we do recursion in lambda calculus.