A Build System For C in C
Table of Contents
I recently started a new project where I had to decide (again) how to build this project. This decision is faced by any developer who use a language that does not have a standard way of building things. In my case, my project is to be written in C, my go-to language, and as we all know, it does not have any standard other than the standard spec. I usually go with CMake, as my go-to build system, because I’ve seen many projects use it. It’s almost like the “industry” standard. It’s very old, and regularly updated, to keep itself up to date with available libraries, frameworks, compiler features etc… and it might be good for very big projects, but I decided that I’ll try something simpler this time.
What It’s Like Using A Build System (Like CMake)
There are many many steps involved.
- First you get the prebuilt binaries of the build system your project uses to build.
- Install the binaries, and any other dependencies like
,GNU Makefile
orMinGW Makefile
, etc… - Then in the project you do something like
cmake -B build -G Ninja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
. This step is common across any build system, just that it comes in different forms. This step will generate build comamnds for you depending on the program you selected (Ninja
). - Then you start building the project with a command like
ninja -C build
, which will parse all the generated build commands and then build the project.
Now this process is easy. But it involves one extra step : Installing of build tools. It takes extra time for setting up the project on a new machine. Now, if it already comes built in with the operating system, then it’s not really a problem. On linux distros, you can get these from a single command, and after waiting some time, you’ll have these tools available to you. But here are a few more things I don’t like about it when using these complex build systems :
- You have to learn a different DSL, that is quite complex, other than the language/tech-stack you’re working with.
- Any end-user, if they get the source code, will need to do those build steps themselves. Please don’t say that end-users should just download the precompiled binaries. What if I don’t trust the distributor?
- Even though it’s hidden, and I don’t have to deal with these extra steps, why is there a need for generating build commands? For platform independence? You can have that by switch cases in any good enough language! Your compiler tells you about the host OS, CPU, and other important facts.
- It’s too complex for small projects! I’d really like to use something that I can hack to work with my project if required.
Now, I’m not really saying that these build systems are bad. These are not meant for small projects in my opinion. I have’t worked on a very big project as a solo developer, so my comments on that will be not really useful, even for myself.
What It Should Be Like
The whole and sole purpose of engineering is making our lives easy! Every other directives derive from this simple requirement. So, what do we end up complicating things? It’s in human nature ig. In my opinion, there are a few options to build any project can follow :
- Use a platform specific scripting language like
- Use the language you use in project. In my case C.
For the last option, you’d require some setup, if it’s not already available. In my case, I followed the third option, because it requires very less setup. You already need a compiler to build your project. You can use the same compiler to bootstrap your build system and use it to then build the complete project. If any of the above option is followed, then building a project will look like this :
- In the project directory, run the build script, or compile a single source code to bootstrap your build system, and then run it.
That’s it! Running build script is the easiest in use case, but developers will probably need maintaining many different platform-specific scripts for this. But it’s easier to build the project with this! In the other case, if you use the same langauge to build your project, and if it’s a compiled one, then you’d need to bootstrap the build system, which is easy, because we already have all the tools required.
Introducing SelfStart
I made my own build system (kind-of), which I named SelfStart in the sense that vehicles have a self-start button, to start the machine, without manual effort from your side. This is how it works :
- I have a main build program source present at the project. It’s the only single one. Unlike
, you are not supposed to have multiple scripts/programs in each directory recursively. Why split out the build code? It just splits up and hides things, from users. To have transparency, this looks good to me. Also, easier to maintain, just change build parameters in one single file. You can have this in any build system though, but mine, kind-of forces you to do this. - Bootstrap the build system using
gcc SelfStartMain -o SelfStartMain.c
and then run it any number of times using./SelfStartMain
from project root directory.
Any subsequent calls to SelfStartMain
will automatically re-compile the build binary (SelfStartMain
), so it has up-to-date build commands,
and then build the project as if it’s a clean build. The interesting part is that in case of C projects, clean build time is often very very fast.
A single source program will compile within milliseconds.
How Does It Work In Code?
Let’s begin with outer layer, and then slowly dive into internals (which there isn’t much). Following the source code for build program.
#include "SelfStart/SelfStart.h"
FLAGS ("-ggdb", "-fPIC")
ADD_EXECUTABLE ("battic", SOURCES ("Main.c"), LIBRARIES ("ctStd"), FLAGS ("-ggdb", "-fPIC"));
Every project that wants to use it must have it in the project root, and all build commands will be written here.
Does It Generate You Build Commands?
Yes! Out of the box!. That’s what these macros are for. I had to hide the ugly way in which I generate build commands, but anyone can take a look at the definitions here, it’s easy to understand IMO :
Build Command Macros
/// Wrapper around the AddExecutable command. Always use this instead of the command directly.
/// This will help generate the compile_commands.json automatically.
#define ADD_EXECUTABLE(exec_name, src_names, lib_names, cflags) \
ccj = AddExecutable (exec_name, src_names, lib_names, cflags, ccj)
#define ADD_LIBRARY(lib_name, src_names, lib_names, cflags) \
ccj = AddLibrary (lib_name, src_names, lib_names, cflags, ccj)
#define SELF_START(body) \
int main (int argc, char** argv, char** envp) { \
/* always rebuild self before starting */ \
RebuildSelf (argc, argv, envp); \
/* start compile commands json string */ \
const char* ccj = Appendf (NULL, "[", " "); \
{body} \
/* end compile commands json */ \
ccj = Appendf (ccj, "]"); \
/* write to compile_commands.json */ \
WriteToFile ("compile_commands.json", ccj); \
free ((void*)ccj); \
The ccj
string stores the compile_commands.json
output, which is passed to the actual build commands, and then
returned back with updated contents. I needed the support for build commands, because I use clangd
LSP for
code completion in my setup.
To dive more deeper, I suggest just looking at the source code here.
The source code for SelfStart
is present in the SelfStart
directory. If you want to use this build system in your project,
you are on your own. Just copy the directory, and create a SelfStartMain.c
file in your project root to get started.
Self Reflections & Comments
I believe that no matter how many times you create a new build system, it won’t always fit all needs of every project size. What we as developers need to do is to make sure that we don’t complicate projects unconsciously. These decisions keep adding up one over the another, until the project just falls apart.
In my case, I think SelfStart
is a great solution for me, given my workflow. It may or may not be the best for you.
If you’re unsure, just go with the already available and popular ones, because of the level of support you get. In case of
commercial projects, you don’t really have time to iterate maintain the build system along with the code I guess, I haven’t
really worked on one, so I cannot comment there either. It is a fact by the way that most of the commercial projects, nowadays
end up using a scripting language, or something like rust to automatically manage these platform dependent processes for them.
Watching one stream by Tsoding Daily on YouTube, I really liked this comment :
All build systems are bad, that’s why there are so many!
All languages are bad, that’s why there are so many!
This is partially correct, in the sense that many are out there because people want to learn by creating their own versions. If you really want to learn the intrinsics from first-person experience, and not someone just reading the code, you need to work on projects from scratch. It’s the only way! We can still learn from looking at the source code of already existing projects, but working on it first hand adds it to your experience, not your knowledge, the two are different.