How I Do Error Handling in C
Table of Contents
This is not actually supposed to be a post because I think everyone has their own way of doing things. This post I’m writing is just to overcome the FOMO of not writing enough blog posts, but owning a domain and constantly keeping up my Pi4 to host this static website. Also because good software engineers recommend making a habit of writing a blog post regularly.
The Problem
You’re writing lots of functions in your program and it’s possible for those functions to fail
and you want to know when they fail. Say you’re creating a Vector
implementation in C and
you want to know whether the VectorPushBack
method you wrote will fail or succeed in inserting
typedef struct {
void* data;
size_t item_size;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
} Vector;
The main objective of this post is to help you quickly decide how the function signatures will
look like for interacting with this vector object and how those functions will do error checking
given what the decided function signature is. I’m assuming here that you’re in a habit of
checking function return values on failure or success before writing any further logic. Even
standard functions like fopen()
, strdup()
, malloc()
can fail in certain cases.
Possible Solutions
bool VectorPushBack(Vector* vec, void* data)
: Returntrue
depending on success or fail.Vector VectorPushBack(Vector vec, void* data)
: Don’t care about success or failure, just return thevec
after insertion.Vector* VectorPushBack(Vector* vec, void* data)
: Returnvec
object, i.e.Vector*
) if success, otherwiseNULL
.size_t VectorPushBack(Vector* vec, void* data)
: Return length of vector after insertion.
Here void* data
is the pointer to data to be inserted. Note that we already know the size
of item to be inserted here so we can easily do a memcpy()
over it. There may be other possible
function signatures as well depending on how you’re using this object, but I’ve mostly seen these.
Also, one must note that there is no good or bad implementation/solution here because this post is
assuming lots of things, I’m just considering the most general cases.
What I Use?
I personally prefer using the third solution with something like this :
#ifndef NDEBUG
# define LOG_ERROR(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);
# define LOG_ERROR(...)
Vector* VectorPushBack(Vector* vec, void* data) {
if(!vec || !data) {
LOG_ERROR("invalid arguments.");
return NULL;
// resize vector if required
// perform insertion operation
// do error checking and return NULL if insertion fails
// return the vector itself on success
return vec;
And now all my other Vector
functions as well have this signature. For whatever object the function
is defined, pointer to that object will be returned. All function’s first argument will be a pointer
to the same object type and then from second argument we take the actual parameters.
So, now if I were to extend this implementation to automatically create copy of data instead
of doing a direct memcpy
for it, because the data can sometimes be another object that contains
pointer, say something like a Vector<Vector>
, a vector of vectors. In these cases, instead of
doing a memcpy
blindly, I personally prefer calling a CopyConstructor
and CopyDestructor
method to create and destroy copies of object to be inserted and deleted.
So, now the implementation will extend to something like
typedef void* (*GenericCopyInit)(void* dst, void* src);
typedef void* (*GenerciCopyDeinit)(void* copy);
typedef struct {
void* data;
size_t item_size;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
GenericCopyInit copy_init;
GenerciCopyDeinit copy_deinit;
} Vector;
Vector* VectorCreate(GenericCopyInit copy_init, GenerciCopyDeinit copy_deinit, size_t item_size);
Vector* VectorPushBack(Vector* vec, void* data) {
if(!vec || !data) {
LOG_ERROR("invalid arguments.");
return NULL;
// resize vector if required
// perform insertion operation
if(vec->copy_init) {
// since copy_init will be unique for a specific type, it already knows the size
// of pointers it's receiving
if(!vec->copy_init(vec->data + (vec->length * vec->item_size), data)) {
LOG_ERROR("copy init failed.");
return NULL;
} else {
memcpy(vec->data + (vec->length * vec->item_size), data, item_size);
// do error checking and return NULL if insertion fails
// return the vector itself on success
return vec;
Now this will allow you to do crazy things like :
Vector* v = NULL;
if(!VectorPushBack((v = VectorCreate(NULL, NULL, sizeof(int))), ((int[]){1}))) {
LOG_ERROR("failed to insert important data to vector.");
if(v) {
return NULL;
Not that this code is going to be any faster or slower, or it looks better in any way, just that this is possible and you can chain multiple calls together when needed.
The Result
One really good consequence of doing it like this is the errors generated quickly give you
a timeline of what happened before things really went down. So let’s say the the VectorPushBack
method fails, then you might get an error like this :
string copy failed.
failed to insert item.
failed to add important data to vector.
error occured, exiting...
The last line being the latest error message and the first error message being the root-cause of it all. You can even use some macro magic to give you more information like :
CreateStringCopy : string copy failed.
VectorPushBack : failed to insert item.
InsertImportantString : failed to add important data to vector.
main : error occured, exiting...
Giving you information about the function where the event took place.
Also, when using GenericCopyInit
and GenericCopyDeinit
to create and destroy copies
of objects, I usually define them like this. Assume that we need to create a vector of String
// shortcut
typedef Vector String;
String* StringInitCopy(String* dst, String* src) {
if(!dst || !src) {
LOG_ERROR("invalid arguments.");
return NULL;
// create copy of data
dst->data = strndup(src->data, src->length);
if(!dst->data) {
// error handling
return NULL;
return dst;
String* StringDeinitCopy(String* copy) {
if(!copy) {
LOG_ERROR("invalid arguments.");
return NULL;
memset(copy, 0, sizeof(String));
return copy;
This way now we can create a Vector of string like :
Vector* strs = VectorCreate((GenericCopyInit)StringInitCopy, (GenericCopyDeinit)StrignDeinitCopy, sizeof(String));
// error checking
And now if init or deinit method fail, the insertion will automatically fail as well rolling back like a stack trace.
To make this more clean, by sacrificing the readability of implementation code, you can use macros to make this vector implementation typesafe, but that’s a topic for some other post. To get a basic idea, you can take a look at rxi’s vector implementation.
Final Comments
Well, this is all, thats how I’ve been doing it after getting a liking to it. If you have some
experience with rust, you’ll find this is very much similar to how rust handles errors. In
rust you end up doing an unwrap()
or some other similar call, maybe by using some pattern-matching
but in the end you need to check the return value before using it there as well, and that’s what
we’re doing here.
The main point is, in C, we do it the C way and not try to imitate some syntactic-sugar other languages have. In rust, I won’t consider it a syntactic-sugar because it’s really helpful and useful. Share how you do it (if it matters to you 😉) below in the comments.