How I Host My Own GIT Service
Table of Contents
- GitLab : I’ve read reviews, and it’s comparable to GitHub, while at the same time, really resource intensive.
- Gitea : I’ve used, has a nice looking GUI, and provides many features, that I as a solo developer mostly won’t use. It’s less resource heavy than GitLab, but I still realized, it always stood on top of my htop.
- cgit : A very lightweight, simple looking Git frontend written in C. This won’t provide many features like Gitea or GitLab, and you’ll have do do everything yourselves : creating git repos, changing descriptions, adding users, etc… but it’s all simple.
I used Gitea, and then switched to cgit soon after that. My main reason was I wanted something that looks as simple
as what the linux kernel developers use out there : So this guide is for those who want to
use cgit
to host their git repo.
Do You Even Wan’t A Frontend?
If you want to show your projects to outside world, then you need one of those options above. If you work
yourself, and just need a way to do version control for your projects, so you can revert back changes, work
on features without breaking original code, then you don’t need one. One thing that fronted will help you
is to view your repos from any device that supports web browsing or show it it anyone, meaning they
can clone your repo using the http[s]
url and give it a try.
Note : I’m taking about need. You know what you want.
So, for those who don’t want a frontend, and those who want it, the first common thing is setting up git, adding users, creating and managing repos, etc… I’ll tell you my usual workflow, rest you’ll probably figure out while working yourself.
You first need a server where you’ll host your git server, and at least one of the following things :
- A static IP
- A local IP
- A domain name
If you have a single computer, you can still host your git server at localhost
Next we need you need to install git
and ssh
on the server. We’ll use ssh
to communite with our git
server. ssh
comes installed with most server OS. I have Ubuntu server installed on my old laptop, where I
host all my services.
First create a directory where your git repos will be hosted. I’ll call this /home/git
All your git settings will be stored here. This will include things like allowed ssh
public private repos, login shell messages, etc… Now, create a git
user :
sudo useradd git -d /home/git -s $(which git-shell)
Using git-shell
as git’s login shell, will disable interactive login. To show a custom message when someone
tries to login to ssh interactive shell, do
mkdir -pv /home/git/git-shell-commands
cat >$HOME/git-shell-commands/no-interactive-login <<\EOF
printf '%s\n' "Hi $USER! You've successfully authenticated, but I do not"
printf '%s\n' "provide interactive shell access."
exit 128
chmod +x $HOME/git-shell-commands/no-interactive-login
Creating Git Repos
Creating git repos as as easy as doing
cd /home/git
git init --bare NewRepoName.git
You should also edit git repo description in /home/git/NewRepoName.git/description
. This will be displayed
if you use a frontend like cgit.
User Management
This guide will show you how to setup this server only for you. I don’t have requirements for multiple users yet so I haven’t explored yet. I can still allow trusted individuals to access my git repos, do push/pull/clone etc… over ssh by adding their ssh key, but that’s a matter of trust, which in the world of cyber-security shouldn’t be there. You can trust the people, but not their devices.
To add a new user (or give your machine access to your git repos over ssh), you get the public ssh key,
and then add it into /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
If you do need to create and manage users and their read/write permissions, then there are ways to do it. Don’t panic. There are simple ways, like using GitLab, or Gitea from start, or use Gitola for user management and repo management. It’s also possible by writing a bash script that is executed for each git command, that redirects users based on their ssh key. More documentation can be found in git-scm docs website.
sudo apt install -y git nginx fcgiwrap cgit
installed is a CGI, and to serve that we’ll use fcgiwrap
to serve this, and nginx
as reverse proxy
to serve this for a subdomain or a sub-path to our domain name. nginx
will take requests and forward it to
the cgit
binary. First, create a new file for your site config in /etc/nginx/sites-available
and add
following to it :
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /path/to/ssl/;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/ssl/;
# Path to static web resources for cgit
root /home/git/static;
try_files $uri @cgit;
location @cgit {
include fastcgi_params;
# Path to the CGI script that comes with cgit
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/lib/cgit/cgit.cgi;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $uri;
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $args;
fastcgi_param HTTP_HOST $server_name;
# Path to the socket file that is created/used by fcgiwrap
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
Some of the settings is specific for my use case. For example, I host some static theme content
in /home/git/static
. Now check your nginx
config using sudo nginx -t
and then if everything is ok,
restart it using sudo systemctl restart nginx
, and you should see your git fronted hosted at the
path you specified in server_name
field. In my case it’s
Ending Comments
This is it! I might miss out something, if this is the case, then please reach out to me, in the comments, or through email. Enjoy ;-)